Sweary the Friendly Rock Enthu

With Motherfucking Metals, Feist responds to the motherfucking surprise success of The Motherfucking Reminder with a motherfucking whisper, not a motherfucking bang. She treads lightly through a series of motherfucking
disjointed torch songs and smoky pop/rock numbers, singing most of the motherfucking
songs in a soft,

With The Whole Motherfucking Love, motherfucking Wilco have made a motherfucking album where the whole is as strong as the individual
motherfucking parts: the motherfucking musicians play off one another with the intuition and
motherfucking understanding that separates a real motherfucking band rather than folks who

My Motherfucking Morning Jacket
Like The Man From Another Place, I didn't think Evil Urges was a bottomless motherfucking bag of semen-infused donkey shit, but I didn't think it was up to their usual motherfucking standards either. Luckily, Circuital finds our Kentucky heroes roaring back into the limelight like a

Hey Plagiarism Detector! Yeah, you motherfucking caught me. As I recently stated in one of the comments relating to Art Brut's new shit, I'm just testing the waters with this motherfucking gimmick. I just wanted to see what kind of motherfucking response it got! So far, it's been positive, but with some definite

Thanks motherfuckers! I actually appreciate the constructive motherfucking criticism. Truth be told, I'm just testing the waters with this here gimmick. I suggest that you motherfuckers mentally file all my early posts under "juvenalia." There's a whole world beyond the word "motherfucker," and I intend to explore the

Motherfucking Cave In
Motherfuckers, I gotta say, White Silence largely works. The anthemic, epic motherfucking thump of the album's longest track, the eight-minute "Sing My Loves (Motherfuckers)" is where the atmosphere is best composed, with Brodsky laying out the central hook insistently beneath a bed of

Like he has through most of his motherfucking career, Roberts comes off like the guy on a team who doesn't seem to be doing much, but if you took him out of the motherfucking lineup, the team's fortunes would plummet like a motherfucker. He rarely makes mistakes, never embarrasses himself, and

Lady Motherfucking Gaga!
MEH, motherfuckers, MEH.

Motherfucking Art Brut
Not one motherfucker on the motherfucking planet is suggesting that Brilliant! Tragic! isn't a motherfucking flawed album, but it is also one which delivers some of the richest motherfucking thrills of Art Brut's career. The leaps of faith the band have taken have been motherfucking vindicated,

Motherfucking Thurston Moore!
A more relaxed motherfuking attitude to experimentation than a young, guitar-abusing Sonic Youth would have countenanced has informed their recent records: 2006's Rather motherfucking Ripped explored the motherfucking taut parameters of the three-minute pop song and here Thurston Moore,

Oh, Woody Motherfucking Allen…