DQ Brassiere

There is an edited version, the Best Show Gems. I'd check that out if you're really interested. But remember, The Best Show is a radio show, not a podcast. Radio shows are long, and they have slow patches. Like Phil Hendrie you have to wade through a lot of chaff to get to the wheat.

Looks okay, but this is becoming way to much of a formula
I like Children's Hospital and it seemed really fresh. Eagleheart felt like a little more of the same, with some Police Squad, but also with Chris Elliot was was certainly a pioneer of this kind of humor, so I make myself like it more than I actually think I do.

I feel the most sorry for Schwimmer, because he has to be Schwimmer.

I would assume that whether you're a herbivore or carnivore is a pretty major life choice if you're a dinosaur, and, yes, something your species would be born with.

I completely bought that she'd latch on to Tim and have a causal relationship; I never quite bought that she'd want to take him on holiday with mum and whatever the Brits call dad.

I like it when he's running up and Rhianna pulls away the football

Moral of the Story!
Go ahead with that suicide attempt. If you succeed, problem solved. If you fail, you'll be the most popular kid in school.

It should be mentioned, if it hasn't been before, that paper books also make much better bathroom reading. Bringing your kindle to the toilet with you is just plain unseemly.

You don't think if Amazon were to let their guard down and started raising prices across the board, another service wouldn't quickly spring up to be the Facebook to their Myspace?

"Friday" was straight-up Shaggs.

"theres a real lack of chemistry between her and bryan cranston. every scene they have lacks a certain nuance and to me its not plausible theyd ever get married. "

" The writers were confident enough in their own skill that they didn't feel the need, like a lot of comedy writers, to make sure everything has been completely milked and laid out for the audience. "