
Explanation much appreciated. The subtlety of you folks never ceases to amaze. I think plastic has its place, but as long as there's a segment of the population who prefers to dance to e, it'll be valid. I just picture codgers who still get loose to Lawrence Welk trying to move to CC, and how we'll be viewed in 50

Longtime reader of Mr. Battaglia's reviews and listener of Mr. Craig with a quibble on terms: not too long ago, in a review, a remark was made that "no one who takes the music seriously" refers to it as "electronica" (anymore). Now I see that "dance" is the preferred term in this interview…hafta scratch my

Modernity needs plots, Epics need people
Hope I haven't become solely an escapist now with no time to pick movies apart, but this was thoroughly engrossing and stayed with me long after leaving the theater. So few directors can do genre switches well and long (Kubrick comes to mind, obviously, though I don't think he