
I always dug Renzor's soundtrack stuff. In college, I used to put my Quake CD-ROM into my stereo and study to that games soundtrack. Still good stuff, lots of creepy ambient sounds.

I saw Pearl Jam in St. Paul on Sunday. They played for 3 hours and it was thoroughly awesome. They didn't play anything from No Code which was a bit of a bummer since that's my sentimental favorite. Apparently they played the whole album straight through at their Friday show in Illinois. Still, the concert was great.

Man of Steel 2: Batman vs Superman:The Dark Knight Rises at Dawn for Justice

That cover looks like Instagrammed photos of Trent Reznor's colonoscopy.

I wholeheartedly agree. I think I lean more towards "The Meaning of 8" then "Hippo" or "Tornadoes," maybe because it was the album the first introduced me to Cloud Cult. There is such a great sense of hope in the music and lyrics that it melts my icy heart like a cool island song.

If I have 2 friends of average intelligence and one large, mute Native American friend, is that like getting 700 free hours of dial-up connection through AOL?

So, somehow, when I was watching S3 on DVD last year for the first time I skipped Amends and so assumed for some reason that Angel was responsible for his own return and not the First. Then recently, when rewatching S3 with Mrs. devil, I saw Amends and was all, "Oh, that's probably why they keep mentioning meeting

Laws of Comedy
The crossbow is by far the funniest of all projectile weapons. See the Futurama episode "A Taste of Freedom."

Dharma can't shoot for shit.

Braveheart and Rob Roy were released within a couple months of each other.