Everyone here is familiar with Titus Andronicus.
Everyone here is familiar with Titus Andronicus.
So confused by this list — don't you guys read Atomic Robo?
So confused by this list — don't you guys read Atomic Robo?
As far as games that work on the players' psyches and emotions, The Walking Dead Board Game isn't… well… all that remarkable, really. Try playing the Battlestar Galactica board game sometime.
As far as games that work on the players' psyches and emotions, The Walking Dead Board Game isn't… well… all that remarkable, really. Try playing the Battlestar Galactica board game sometime.
Thanks for the update.
Thanks for the update.
Thank you — this comment is what I've been scrolling down and looking for before posting it myself.
Thank you — this comment is what I've been scrolling down and looking for before posting it myself.
I'm not sure any of that counts as trying, though.
I'm not sure any of that counts as trying, though.
Yes, my Saturday brunch.
Yes, my Saturday brunch.
Pretty sure it's Past Pot Pete.
Pretty sure it's Past Pot Pete.
Hey, if he's not going to mention actual God-damned incest, he's not going to mention mere homicide.
Hey, if he's not going to mention actual God-damned incest, he's not going to mention mere homicide.
That's editing for you.
That's editing for you.
Speaking of pedantry, it's "non-sequitUr," Sava. With a "u."