Samwise Ganges

That shit is fucking ridiculous. And yet wholly expected.

So, in a non-nuanced analysis of the story, one which doesn't take into consideration all of the events *in* the story, it doesn't work for you.

Dwarven women don't have beards and you *know* they don't have beards.


Guys, guys, please… the bard of AD&D 1E is a totally different animal from what "bard" has come to mean in subsequent editions. The old bard was based more on Celtic myth and Merlin than anything else, whereas later iterations of the class have mostly been just "Jack-of-all-trades who sings and knows things."

Re: Marc Maron, that's no persona — that's a space-station of bitterness and resentment.

My mom wouldn't let me read Omni *because* it was a Guccione publication.

TRS-800! Why, that's ten times the computer we had back in *my* day!

Yeah, great.

Apology reluctantly accepted.

Sweet! The return of lovable oddball director John Gulager, aka "The only thing that made Project: Greenlight watchable"! Sadly, we'll have to wait for the DVD extras to see him stumble his way through production.

Much more relevant, though, is Mouse Guard creator David Petersen.

Will the Farter
He once farted an entire plum.

I dunno, K — what was your intent?

I sure hope this next movie sorts out this whole double-weapons thing.

Yeah. Think about it.

Oof. Maybe I wouldn't watch that, after all.

Todd Margaret really reminds me of Alan Partridge, in that both are pretty unlikeable, pathetic characters who occasionally mean well but let their unreasonable egos get in the way of just about everything they do. But you end up getting behind them anyway thanks to some brief flashes of vulnerability.

I was hoping he wouldn't be a celebrity at all — just some friend of Dave's.

Her tits?