
Anyone else think that was a picture of Samantha Bee for a second?

In my experience, if Dowd doesn't like a comedy, it's a great predictor that it can actually make most people laugh. Which is what a comedy is meant to do; they don't all have to be Citizen Kane.

heh, Kurt Brownholer

I subscribe to the theory that there are, in fact, TWO directors.

I believe we are actually an anarcho-cynicalist commune here at the AV club.

I am Canadian! I'm just not a fan of Jones and Bee's contributions to
the Daily Show. When one of them is leading a segment I usually give up
and go to bed after about a minute. But by all means continue to enjoy
their work if it makes you laugh!

Can he please take Samantha Bee with him when he goes?

That one hit me too. They all die only to have their bunks filled with more nameless pawns for the remainder of the war, which could have been almost two years depending on when in 1917 this episode took place. Really underscores the futility of their deaths.

Damn, I thought that was Fidel Castro for a good five seconds there.

Paddle-to-the-sea on DVD
If you really need to see Paddle-to-the-sea again you can buy the DVD from the National Film Board of Canada's website (as I did about three weeks ago). Man, I love that film!