
I'm sure they get some cranks. The people on the shows I watched were mostly just normal people. Who got dicked around by an accidental billionaire for his jollies.

Yeah. I guess I prefer my 'light' entertainment to be less soul-crushing.

I've seen a few episodes of this show. One featured Mark Cuban telling people they had 30 seconds (or so) to pitch him an offer and he'd either reject it or accept it with no counteroffer. He rejected it and the people were crushed. Nice, normal people who were just trying to sell their product. People view this as

I don't know who or what killed those kids. But it is worth mentioning that the Paradise Lost filmmakers spent a lot of their second movie insinuating that somebody might be a murderer only to have that theory unravel by the third movie where they insinuated that somebody else might be the murderer.

When describing this show to others, I say that it is really good with the potential to become really bad very quickly. I'm worried that the last couple episodes since the 'reboot' and where it has taken the story have led to the change happening quicker than I expected. I'm hoping they right the ship, but I feel

I doubt it because rom-com comedies follow a formula that usually includes at least one scene of dude with friends to show the guy's world before the girl enters it. And vice versa.

I honestly doubt any hardcore bigot cares about the Bechdel test.

Economy of storytelling. That's probably the main reason things fail the Bechdel test. If you have a male protagonist (and an antagonist) then the scenes are likely extraneous to the story. If you have TV hours to fill that's not usually a problem. If you only have 2 hours, it becomes more difficult.

You're kind of a weird dude. And hostile to even a tepid endorsement of something Mark Millar does right. You see in that first post when I said I wasn't a fan? You somehow missed that in your recap above. Grow up a little, man and develop a more nuanced worldview. You don't have to like everything someone does

Does he even do anything for Fox there? I remember Singer saying he hadn't even met with Millar.

I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with what I said. I do have a problem with people "You say he is a genius who creates new stories". Dude, I have never said this. I have said he is a marketing wizard that has managed to sell new (or unused) properties, something that DC and Marvel seem unable to do.

Yeah, but how many of those creators had multiple movies coming out? Hewlett and Martin had one Tank Girl movie. The Crow was a 'successful' property, but what else did O'Barr create? The Mask? Men in Black?

You win. I surrender. Anybody can do what Mark Millar is done which is why I can't walk down the street without seeing a millionaire comics creator with several movies under his belt.

No. Are you seriously arguing that Mark Millar's success is not typical of comics professionals?

He is selling his works to studios. This will make it easier for the artists and writers you like to do the same. He is proving you don't need to write Red Hood and the Outlaws to have major success in the comics industry. This is a good thing regardless of the fact that Supercrooks was terrible. The next time DC

Again, quality is not the issue here.

I think it is pretty successful that one dude has spawned multiple movies on a pretty short career of work. I don't see what is controversial about this. I'm not a huge fan of his writing. I'm not saying he is the most successful creator of all-time. All I'm saying is that I think it is kind of cool that a guy is

It's not. It's a worse version of the original story.

I'm not arguing for the quality of the work. Honestly, I find Millar's comics mostly mediocre. My point is that that Mark Millar, a singular person as opposed to a vast entertainment empire, has created multiple new IP sources from scratch. The savvy businessman is the point. He's succeeding where the big companies

At least they're his spin on the old genres. He gets to keep the rights. He develops NEW intellectual property. Whereas, a comic company like DC isn't doing anything new despite having a ton more resources financially and creatively. Why isn't DC putting out something as successful as Kick-Ass? Shouldn't it be