
He got arrested because he was under the influence of pot and pills. You don't get to drive that way either.

I don't know. Is it better to be a mess of a human being or to try and
pretend so damn hard to be a mess of a human being because you think
that's a good way to sell records? This is the question that has
plagued us since before Aristotle.

Uh, who downvoted this? This seems to be the most safe comment in the history of the internet. If you don't agree with it, you should probably find a volcano to jump into.

Most states have rules about speedy trial. It still is usually a matter of months (here in Closerland it is 90 days) can be waived (and often is) by the defense in order to have more time to do discovery to present the strongest case possible.

Or in the alternative, we can keep talking about it so a weasel like Shia Lebouf doesn't get away with a crime against a real artist. So basically it is holding somebody accountable or in the alternative, tick off Holdie Martinson, blatant moron. I'll go with option A.

I remember a podcast with this dude when The Goods was about to come out and he said that he always thought the Chapelle's Show credit was mixed-up because black people gave Chapelle too much credit and white people gave HIM too much credit.

Nope, he's one of the frontrunners. If you play the quarterback position better than anyone has ever played it before, you have to be in the conversation. He set records that seemed like they could never have been broken until the NFL changed things to make passing easier.

Marino set like every single record he could possibly set. He played at an extremely high level, he just happened to be in an era where there were a lot of well-put together teams. The 49ers were better than the Dolphins. The Bills were better than the Dolphins.

It IS is why I poked out my own eyes after Captain Murphy died.

That is what the NFL is though. It's a game, it's not art. It's great moments are largely accidental or the result of random factors, not designed. I like it (I'm watching Denver right now), but it needs to be brought back to Earth sometimes. We live in a world where the NFL is treated with entirely too much

Certain performance enhancing drugs help with recovery (HGH) in small doses. Bonds/McGwire/Sosa were using drugs that actually break a body down due to massive growth that strains tendons that do not grow with steroids. So that is why you have a lot of people who use steroids (including football) tearing muscles

No, stay on the television. Maybe go to one of those channels that only come on satellite television.

My favorite thing is when the talking heads try to use numbers to use their points, but ignore those same numbers when it goes against whatever narrative they want to sell. I was watching ESPN not too long ago (always a mistake) and one of their gasbags was saying Jamis Winston was a dink and dunk quarterback in the

I think it is weird that anybody would not consider Marino up there in the conversation for greatest QB. Everytime somebody breaks a record, it is one of Marino's and he played in a tougher era for quarterbacks. He's unquestionably one of the best and maybe the best and anybody that discounts that based on

It did win him the game in 2006. Bob Sanders and that defense played phenomenally in that playoff run and Super Bowl.

I call it Expanding Website Syndrome. It is like Karate Kid Part 3 where Daniel-san got a little too big for his britches and had to be brought down to Earth by Miyagi. Kind of like Peyton Manning in the playoffs (I kid, but I know nothing really about football). YUP, THESE ARE MY READERS.

The NFL can handle it. This isn't a fringe aspect of culture where people are starving for analysis. Quite frankly, the mammoth place that the NFL has taken in our culture is totally out of whack with its actual importance and I welcome some unconventional takes that treat football as the often pointless but

I'm not convinced Peter King or Gregg Easterbrook know how football works.

Gentlemen, gentlemen. They are both equally terrible. Like indefensibly terrible.

Football needs to get kicked around some. If you want people acting like football is the greatest thing ever and the NFL being the height of human achievement, there are approximately eight billion articles written this week with that tone. I like football, too. However, the game is full of idiots, the owners of