
The movie ending fails in that the whole reason for the plan was to avoid Mutually Assured Destruction.  Dr. Manhattan, the US military's major weapon, blowing up Moscow doesn't work on that level.  The key to the squid is not just the threat of outer space, its the telepathy.  The whole scheme doesn't work without it.

He suffers from something that a lot of writers/creators seem to suffer from.  He wants to become one of his own characters, flaws and all because they're what interests him.  Ellis' public act is similar to Frank Miller and his recent tough guy posturing.  

I would be looking forward to Gravity more if it was 15 seconds long and just featured Sandra Bullock being sucked out into space.  And I do not mean the character she portrays. 

He was funny when he was writing the 'sketches' for Kissing Suzy Kolber.  The I AM WRITING EVERYTHING WITH RAGE AND SAY WACKY THINGS LIKE ELEPHANT COCK! semi-comedian is tiresome.

Only he could've landed that plane.

The ending "twist" to this movie was both totally obvious and did not make any sense.  A rare double-feature.  Usually, an obvious twist makes too much sense.  And a nonsensical twist isn't obvious.  But this managed to be both.

The first time I saw it, I didn't like the movie as a whole.  However, I thought certain scenes were well-done and it led to me watching it a second time.  Where I thought it was much better and I was able to focus more on the film, already knowing the story.  There is a lot of cool, subtle stuff that I missed the

I agree!  I hate everything, too! 

Drive would've seemed like it came from the future in 1972.  How did he ever predict the 1980's?

Drive wasn't about stunts.  In fact, that is one thing the film tries to convey…a sense of driving outside of car chases.

Storm was so bad that I had an irrational hatred of her as a kid and never found out how cool she was until I was a teenager and read the older comics.  Man, that actress sucked.

Don nobody trust Gambit?  Den Gambit don need nobody!

I haven't read the whole thing, but the parts of Nite Owl that I saw had JMS re-writing portions of Watchmen to show Rorshach off the deep end in his story.  Which is wankery of the highest order.  "But I wanted to write THIS Rorshach!" I can hear him saying as he changes Alan Moore's words and intent.

You should probably stop doing that.

Chances are she probably wouldn't like it as it isn't some sort of Harry Potter fanfiction, but a satiric shot at Harry Potter and Potter fandom.  I'm just guessing she might take offense to his thesis that Potter helped contribute to the decline of literature, but it also kind of shows why LEG existed.

I don't think it is a viral PR offensive from Warner Bros.  I just think it is fanboys being fanboys and they're mad at Alan Moore for spoiling their excitement for terrible movies and comics.   It started around V for Vendetta and gets worse with every new project that ticks Alan Moore off.

Exactly.  It's not like I believe Alan Moore is never wrong.  I think his excommunication problem with his ex-collaborators isn't something I endorse or find appealing.  I think his new obsession with Lovecraft is leading to some stories that I believe have been told elsewhere and aren't doing anything special.  

I am not as surprised by this comment as I am by the 'like'.  Is there more than one person that thinks Squadron Supreme is better than Watchmen?  I find myself wanting to use that Squadron Supreme mind-ray thing to erase my memory of reading Squadron Supreme.

I haven't heard of anyone saying the opposite.   Please provide a source or some evidence if you're going to suggest the dude isn't doing what he's claiming.  Because otherwise, that's pretty crappy.

V essentially took something that was ambiguous, smart and subtle and repackaged it as a shot at the current administration.   I think my favorite part was when they showed us a Coalition of the Willing Poster just to make sure we didn't miss the message they were trying to hammer into our heads for two hours.