War Is the H-Word

Your wrong Rowan, I can't watch it there.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Exactly! Its like they have forgot the secret of all television. At the end of the episode, everything should be back to normal.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Exactly! Its like they have forgot the secret of all television. At the end of the episode, everything should be back to normal.

One thing I have always loved about Futurama is that they can pull off solid sci-fi plots, and this (half-)season has already had two good examples of this (this episode and Decision 3012) which I have enjoyed. However my least favourite elements of Futurama seem to have ramped up (gross-out humour and satirical/20XX

One thing I have always loved about Futurama is that they can pull off solid sci-fi plots, and this (half-)season has already had two good examples of this (this episode and Decision 3012) which I have enjoyed. However my least favourite elements of Futurama seem to have ramped up (gross-out humour and satirical/20XX

Get your harddrive scratched by the Beastie Boys (as long as the sounds produced are not used in advertising)

Get your harddrive scratched by the Beastie Boys (as long as the sounds produced are not used in advertising)

It was specifically mentioned in last weeks review so I assume its an oversight from Whats On Tonight.

It was specifically mentioned in last weeks review so I assume its an oversight from Whats On Tonight.

This video is not available in your region.

This video is not available in your region.

@avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus  You've hit the nail on the head there. It does increasingly feel like reviewers come in with a preconceived grade and will try from there to twist the episode to agree with it.

No, no, the rhyming Becktionary.

No, no, the rhyming Becktionary.

I look forward to dusting off the old Becktionary.

I look forward to dusting off the old Becktionary.

Its following Breaking Bad with the loss of hair on tv..

Its following Breaking Bad with the loss of hair on tv..

I'm hoping for some puns around that area from the commenatators.

I'm hoping for some puns around that area from the commenatators.