War Is the H-Word

he has written four episodes previous to this one, (power plant outsourced to india leading homer to be praised as a god; homers roast vaguely themed around forrest gump; the one where barney sobers up; and one other that i havent seen) and i thought the india and roast eps where pretty good for their era, although

i am glad you called attention to the acronym jokes (cross-GAMES and SPORTS) as i think those were some of the funniest jokes i have heard from the simpsons of late. it managed to be reasonably clever instead of offering a weak parody of something (which recent episodes, including the rest of this one, do far too

I can see from the discussion about varying quality between seasons that watching episodes from the wrong season could have made me form the wrong image of the show. When watching it i didnt know how long running scrubs was, and i can see how in 150 odd episodes that quality could vary.

i have never understood the hate or the love some people have for this show. i have watched about 5 episodes of scrubs and it did nothing to particularly annoy me, but neither did it give me much reason to give it another go. the characters seemed very much like playing to standard sitcoms 'types' and the jokes

i have got to agree with you. i have watched that episode several times and the 'fake skinner' part of the episode never stopped me enjoying it. In fact the episodes where skinner is shown as pathetic and submissive to his mother irritate me much more. I much prefer jokes based around his rivalry with bart or his past

i think it was after skinner criticised lisa calling her new cat (that the crazy cat lady had thrown at her) snowball II even though the original snowball II had died (after being run over by Dr. Hibbert if i remember correctly) along with many other cats she owned in the episode.

actually on second thoughts most tv club coverage seems to be half hour american sitcoms so futurama could be held off for longer than that. however i think a foray into UK sitcoms would be interesting. spending six weeks on something like the 1st season of The IT Crowd wouldnt commit you for too long if it doesnt get

i think a good place to start Futurama on TVCC would be to do a season as build up to The Simpsons season 5. in the same way they are doing now with the critic and season 4 of The Simpsons.

i know its likely noone will read such a late comment but i am only just catching up with Community now, because it is not shown in the Uk and i have only recently decided to give it a go.

i remember the futurama pilot having several good lines but like the article mentions a lack of investment into the characters means that later episodes came across better to me on first viewing.