
Anyone else notice this?
I saw this movie a week ago. One of the stupidest things about it is that Butler is made out to be this super spy killing machine and yet he couldn't bother putting a security system in his home.

It will and it will be in 3-D

Sinbad was in Necessary Roughness too. So it was an all star cast.

I thought it was funny she was complaining about faking it. Isn't that the point if you are an actor?

Speaking as a Jew and for all Jews haven't we suffered enough without Madonna hijacking our religion. The video where she put on tephillin made me want to slap her.

Actually in Hebrew the word for grape which is Einav is a first name. Though apple is still a stupid first name in English.

Shook the jar full of meat until it became milk is my favorite quote from this interview. Anyone else think he looks like a serial killer?

Its pretty clear he is a douchebag.