Alex Smith

I think I may jump out a window myself (except that I am terrified by heights) when this show closes. What a great show it has been. It's given me some insight into my parents' lives (I'm a boomer, born 1960, in a white suburban suburb, etc.). I don't think I ever understood where my father was coming from until I

No disagreement here.

See it from his side. He has a wife, 3 kids. He's not going to work for a girl.

Dan has become the average man over the course of the series. Not in terms of money, since he doesn't need to worry about that. He's just disappeared. He's misplaced two women he was married to, lost all his kid-genius status at SC, become a rat on a wheel at McCann. And, he's ten years older and has just been

Yes! He was doing the Don Draper spiel, and Don knew it. But the thing is, Don knew how to do this viscerally, and the stats guy knew it from his statistics. They are narrowing in on Don Draper's gift with calculators.

Well, if I may say so, I liked your post. That's the best description of Mad Men ever. Although, after Lost Horizon, I want to rename the show as Angry Women.

For here am I sitting in a tin can …

Agreed x100. Kartheiser is hot in real life and I doff my sombrero at him for making vanity sacrifices in order to be the combative and blinkered persona of WASP privilege we all dislike and resent.

Got me!

Also part of his character on the screen.

Kartheiser is a brilliant actor. He's not Pete.

This episode was amazing. Meredith telling Don that in a few weeks he wouldn't have an office or an apartment.

You know they are shaving his head, right? I've never understood why a receding hairline was essential to his character.

I support the reviewer here. The show has tanked. I used to wait up to see this on my season pass until Amazon posted it at 4am on Monday morning. That's devotion.

Maybe there was no way Mad Men could live up to the hype this second-half of a seventh season carried. I mean, seriously, article after article in the NYT, ahead of just seven eps. And this ep, when it finally aired after 3am on my Amazon season pass - well, it wasn't worth staying up for.

There have been plenty of bad episodes before this one, IMO. That whole story arc about Kalinda's ex? Did anyone like that?? I still think TGW is a great show and I've stuck with it for a long time.

Thanks for your expertise on Ireland. I'm sure the many innocent women and men and children who were killed by the IRA are not quite as sure that it worked for them or their families.


Wow. Just wow. How completely vile.

Sorry. "Picked" wasn't the word I should have used there - I know she joined them at the end after Cary had roped most of them in. However, she opted to put her name on a firm that seems to be comprised chiefly of so-so junior lawyers. Neither she nor they seem to have an clue about how to run a law firm, or a