Ruddy Ruddy

Not Pamela Anderson …
She's Stormy Waters in 2040. The resemblance is uncanny.

Send in more and better questions
I'd love for this feature to continue, but I've never, ever been remotely interested in the "What's the name of this obscure thing I half-remember seeing as a child?" questions. That shit is interesting to the Google-impaired person who asked it, and no one else. Please, people, keep

The Crushed Tiger Penis Pringles, on the other hand …
I very nearly got the French Consomme flavour when I was recently in Hong Kong, but I passed them up in favor of Tiger Prawn and Crushed Garlic Pringles. They were pretty unremarkable.

Bring the pain
I'd like people to stop using the phrase "the funny", especially in phrases such as "Bring the funny." I won't even go on about how it's ungrammatical; it's just not hip. And it's not funny. It's not humour.