
So don't buy the fucking shirt.

You butchered the Carrot Bit, Vikram! The waiter says "carrots?" (Referring to them as a sidedish) and to save face, Zack retorts, "yes, the Carrot" (rebranding it as an entree, ala "the veal")

It's interesting how you read this article as the author being "ungrateful," as if past awards given for LGBT performances were undeserved gifts. While I agree that he may have been a little harsh towards Jared Leto, I think that he makes an insightful point about what types of LGBT roles our society is comfortable

God, what an insufferable load of bullshit. Women are maternal; biology dictates that having babies has a larger impact on them than it does on males. Your world does change when you become a mother; everything shifts from being about you to being about them. Only the worst type of mother would shrug the birth of her