
I was thinking the same thing haha

I was confused about that, especially because they all seemed to be insurance related? He pulls a letter with "xxx insurance" on it out, and the second guy he killed I think was an insurance dude as well.

You watch Boardwalk? It happens there sometimes (like 3 times last season)

Yeah even though I like the show the border politics was the most interesting, original part of the series, and it was completely pointless. COMPLETELY. It literally has no bearing on anything that's happening in the show now. If the whole revenge plot had just started with Tate picking up Alma after Marco cheats on

YESSS I don't understand why they introduced this grand political "no one cares about the girls in mexico plot" if it was just gonna be a cover-up for a revenge plot. Why even bother with the political stuff? What the hell was the point of any of it?

2 Questions that have really been bugging the hell out of me -
1) So were all of Tate's political "why does no one care about Mexico" killings really just a way to get Marco involved in a case? He and Marco have an exchange this episode where he says as much, but that just seems like a wildly unnecessary step. Look at

Just watched the episode! haha

AGREED!! Although I think you're thinking of the death row episode of The Practice, not Boston Legal, the one where Jimmy (Anthony B) is in the prison with the inmate the whole episode while everyone else battles for  stay outside, and the whole thing is portrayed as if it were captured as a part of a documentary