Emmanuel Vaughier was pretty good in her season 1 episodes. She would have been such a better fit than the two they brought on, though I remember the non-rich one had her moments where she was ok
Emmanuel Vaughier was pretty good in her season 1 episodes. She would have been such a better fit than the two they brought on, though I remember the non-rich one had her moments where she was ok
Don't think I get the channel either, but having Cara Santa-Maria host anything is a good idea. Caught her several times hosting The Young Turks, and she was great.
Yes, you are too cynical in this case. If people are innocent for the crime they are being tried for, they should not go to jail, period. Because where does it stop, and who gets to judge if they are guilty of other crimes? What about people found innocent of crimes that put them on death row?
Looks like he continued to develop that persona in several unrelated roles since
Kind of glad they didn't have Twitter then. Tupac is, without a doubt, my favorite rapper of all time, but he'd probably be annoying as shit on Twitter. I'm guessing 50+ tweets a day, and I'd imagine more than a few regrettable ones.
Well, Mr. Lamar, I believe somebody already has a claim on being the King of New York. And that crew includes Batman and Dean Portman: http://www.youtube.com/watc…
I say you keep your unicorn status, and refuse to watch it
This is the 2nd time I've brought up my recent Spin City binge, but they had an episode where [spoiler?] Paul wins $1 million. It reminded me of how I always thought Regis' little questions and probing while the contestants were thinking of their answer would totally fuck with my head
I'm surprised someone that knows Booster Gold has yet to see JLU.
They've got the VMAs and the MTV Movie Awards, with innovative categories like "best kiss."
And Jaeger Bombs
As much as I'm looking forward to the new Arkham game, I'm about as excited for the Lego Marvel game. It'll be fun mixing the characters that can't be in each other's movies, plus the Lego Batman game last year was pretty awesome. That said, I'm not sure if they'll be able to top having Superman flying around Gotham…
@avclub-a80fcd777df4edacea4dd9e20f8730e4:disqus Because there is so much traction in the House for anything he proposes. Oh yeah, they're in recess for 5 weeks after spending the last couple weeks taking more Obamacare repeal votes, and investigating an IRS scandal that isn't a scandal. They can't even get…
"traveling around the country making speeches about how all the unemployed people should have jobs"
I remember the 2000 Sydney games. I was a freshman in high school, and my friend's parents went to Australia for 2 weeks. Naturally, we had to have an epic party, because we were now in high school. One of the few times a weekend party lived up to the hype built up at school.
We need a show that leaps into other shows to right them when they went wrong: The Quantum Paradox
SPOILERS for Wolverine
It was the TV in his apartment after he got done nailing Tammy Taylor.
Kinda random, but I have been going through Spin City, and Peter Krause was on Mike's TV, doing SportsCenter. I choose to believe that Josh Charles was not pictured, but was right next to his co-anchor, doing The Big Show
If you already have a relationship with an insurance agent/company, you may be able send them photos, and get an opinion from someone within the company that sees those things more frequently. It wouldn't be as thorough as having someone personally inspect it, but it may give you a decent picture without having to…