The Stanimal

No, you're thinking of Chris Gaines

This show has surprised me several times before, so I could be wrong. But I'm guessing Slade ends up killing Sara. She's probably going to die at some point, and her being the one that initially lied to Slade leads me to believe that he'll do the deed.


We watched the beginning of Saving Private Ryan with our school janitor, who was a medic at Normandy. I thought that was pretty cool at the time, he talked about how realistic that scene was.

Me too. Any teacher that had a coaching background that needed to kill time. I also had to watch Radio a couple times.

The easiest explanation would be that Diggle and Arrow were both going after Deadshot, and they connected the dots.

Yes, but Ollie was being held captive, and there's NO WAY that he could get out of that situation. I see no harm in explaining everything

It would be better if he took him to dinner afterwards.

I also loved that Waller just comes out with the fact that they know what Oliver does. If we get to see ARGUS more down the line, and I'd assume we will, I wonder if they'll help him keep his identity secret.

Sorry about that, I've added the warning


Also, when Oliver got back with Laurel, he thought his "mission" was almost over. He thought there was a light at the end of the tunnel, but now I think he knows it's more of a never-ending struggle

It was very JLU of her. I'm waiting for her to confront Oliver as Arrow and call him "rich boy"

Throwing the second season out about 2 weeks after the first season ended, and during the summer, probably contributed to weaker ratings.

Better than that was one of his reasons for believing that birds were descendants of dinosaurs: the fact that raptor means "bird of prey."

Wow, now I dislike Laurel even more. Codeine or GTFO

Unless she's reformed, and comes with The Question, I agree

I've been a little disappointed in Diggle's involvement these past couple episodes, but it looks like we'll get a Dig-heavy episode next week.

I performed this song with a couple friends for our elementary school talent show when I was in 2nd grade. The tape with the background didn't work, so we just did it with no music. So it was just me and my 4 other white friends, in my Tasmanian Devil t-shirt and over-sized Rastafarian hat, rapping a capella in

This sounds like payback for the whole Captain Marvel/Shazam thing