
To what does IndependentGeorge refer?  I'm in Brooklyn, and I've been scouring the various tubes of the interwebs, and I haven't found anything about an NYC premiere.  Found the thing about the GoT Exhibition next week, but that's it.  I find your ideas intriguing, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

So - as a general question - are you against the entire concept of redistribution of wealth via taxation for the use of social services?  For example - would you be OK with the privatization of fire departments, so that you could purchase the services of the fire department you consider best, and leave those who - for

So - as a general question - are you against the entire concept of redistribution of wealth via taxation for the use of social services?  For example - would you be OK with the privatization of fire departments, so that you could purchase the services of the fire department you consider best, and leave those who - for