
I fucking love the base that comes in at the climax. Was stuck in my head for days.

He basically took all the super smart but hard to understand even after 15 viewings things about Primer and solidified them. Also, the soundtrack to that movie is killer.

Upstream Color. Walden Pond bitch.

I agree completely. She's a bit like Ted Chiang or George Saunders. The longer they go on, the less effective they tend to be. That's why I despise a culture that will only give prizes to novels. The Barn at the End of Our Term is better than Swamplandia all by itself.

A list of hot pics of your mom would be more relevant to your face.

The Drowning Girl By Caitlan Kiernan. Best fantasy novel of the last 10 years easily.

Lauren Beukes' Shining Girls is quite amazing. Also, Vampires in the Lemon Grove is epic.


Definitely not as good as Bad Boyz 2

Or Walder Frey


I'm not complaining about it being lesser work. I'm just wondering why there's not stink about it.

No, Jesus weeps, currently. For your sins.

I cried.

I read every comment here, and no one has mentioned Kurt Vonnegut's continuous stream of releases since 2007 when he died. I'm not the hugest Vonnegut fan (meaning I can't tell a released story from a posthumous story), so can anyone tell me if they consider Vonnegut's body to be raped a la Herbert, or a la Tolkien?

I was part of the CSSF writer's conference at the Campbell Conference this past June, and part of our tuition included a talk by Kevin J Anderson. His advice, spread over 45 minutes (exactly 45 minutes) was this: "Be in the right place at the right time and you will be very successful as a writer." He told us how he

I have some insight here. First of all, an author has to very specifically say "destroy The Fall of Author and never ever release any single word of it that I ever wrote" for the thing to be legally binding. Wills have to be very specific. There's a reason a lawyer writes your will for you. Law is slippery even when

Authors work we would not have read if friends and family listened to their dying wishes: Franz Kafka, Leo Tolstoy, William Shakespeare.

The most ironic thing is that Walt Disney lost the copyright to his original creation, Oswald, and had to create Mickey (who is essentially a ripoff of Oswald) to move forward. 
And even more ironies: Now Disney owns Oswald's copyright as well.

You could say meat was beaten to this song. And the music of this band in general.