I got an "overused meme alert" for this?
I got an "overused meme alert" for this?
So we're reaching the point where some of these are just going to be cameos, right? Or are these episodes going to have like 15 person casts wall to wall?
Deltron 3030 represent
Well the study didn't necessarily include a baby dying, but the sound was supposed to be highly unpleasant. In my mind, baby dying is highly unpleasant. But you never know. If the participants were Repubs, maybe the sound was Obama giving a speech. /shrug
I appreciate the valid and kind response, and I will admit my response was a bit snooty myself. Also, I really hope the use of "justified" in your comment was intentional, because that would be awesome.
Mike of Cleanerer?
Wow. Only 40,000? That's likeā¦ not a lot.
If I was in charge of casting I would play the Thing.
John Cho? Psy?
To quote yourself, what a stupid thing to say.
You know what's shocking? Seeing Youtube comments like this on AV Club.
That poon used to be poony.
Yeah, I think I like just about everything on Future Sex Love Sounds is my favorite thing ever. One of my favorite pop albums ever.
I would be shocked if it turned out Yeats and JT were the same person. That seems highly unlikely.
@avclub-2d91e9b188075c6b7e85ed22a17a480f:disqus The most interesting (and laden with irony) quote from his comment history: He might well be a misogynist. But he sure does write strong female characters. And no, I'm not referring to the bimbos Charlie slept with in '2.5 Men'.
Yeah, that's my only complaint. I feel like they can't do any sort of engrossing crime case with so little time. They could prove me wrong, though.
On Game of Thrones, yes.
I'm gonna miss the Farmer's Market!
Depends on New Girl's trajectory.
Jerry eventually became more than a one-note joke.