The Amateur

It just hit me. Van Der Werff isn't around to shit on this show anymore. Thank you Ryan Murphy, our Lord and Savior.

It's not only a terrible movie in itself, it also manages to ruin the first one.

I love The Ladykillers. Every line Tom Hanks says is a delight. JK Simmons kills it as well.

LOL at the comment that started the sexism storm. Massive overreaction or what?

You can see McBride struggling to keep a straight face when he says it for the second time in episode 5.

Dixie hates Kenny, yet she takes his word over her husband's?

What happened to the decent AV Club comments section theme? Now it looks just like any other Disqus site.

For me it's Weeds. Each episode is named after a random line that has nothing to do with any theme or anything. They sound so smug and pretentious.

So what, she sang a few songs. Big deal.

Who let Quasimodo out?

"Quinn is wandering the streets without pants on. He meets a turban, laying on the side of the road. There is a motherfucker in it."
My sides.

"Quinn is wandering the streets without pants on. He meets a turban, laying on the side of the road. There is a motherfucker in it."
My sides.

He went to the pits, not the mines. Different places.