Sugar Tits

Got to believe we are magic…

At least he didn't use the Batman Voice.

Look, Bale is paid to be an actor. WITH repeatable results. If he has to do it 50 times, he does it 50 times. That's his job. The money lost isn't his money. He is not anyone's supervisor. Bale should let the director run the set. If he is unhappy, he should go pound on his assistant.

And they're damn good too - scrambled eggs and sausage with maybe some peppers and potatoes wrapped up in a warm tortilla. Yummsh.

AJR, you ASS! You NEVER trade cheese grits for ANYTHING! Not gold bars, nor Ferrraris. Not. Anything.

So, who said "I will eat the shit out of some squirrels"? Cause that's a ZMF statement if I ever heard one.

Cajun squirrel is fricaseed or in gumbo, and it's delicious, though pretty unrecognizable as squirrel. That's the whole point. You kill whatever and make gumbo and it's all good.
And chili and chocolate is is mole sauce (sorry I can't do an accent) so why not chips?

Too late.

Hey, Will You Marry Me, I used to be Marry Me! Just sayin'.

Well, speaking for the tits (and I think I'm qualified) a few more bulging groins wouldn't hurt either.

Let's just have Liam Neeson kick Jackman's pansy ass the whole time.

Awesome, Ragingbear. I hate those spineless fuckers.

Do you mean the hippies are metaphorically undesirable or give blowjobs?

Well, then…
Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry present Tyler Perry's Push: Based on the Novel by Sapphire, adapted for the screen b Tyler Perry


"We ask ourselves, is she black? Is she white? We don't care. She's exotic. I want to see more of her breasts. "

Boys have penises, girls have vaginas.

Indeed, but HOW did you confuse Cloverfield and Rob's Party Mix? Is there something I'm missing here?


"Constopated With Self-Importance"? There's a new username, ya'll!