
"You know, I read The A.V. Club a lot"

Love to see a non-white person as the
Doctor, but being a racist fuck was mandatory for most of Earth's
history, so that'd be a barrier to time-travelling stories.

30 years, maybe.

Not a very good actor, really. Excellent writer, fun in the sitcom, but he's wooden.

Yeah, somehow there's a massive Idiot/Racist/Racist Idiot undercurrent in all other places to discuss Who which is in the exact opposite of the spirit of the series. I've got problems with AV Club comments on nearly every other thing, but somehow the Who discussions hit the sweet spot.

Change, my dear. And not a moment too soon.

Poor Colin Baker deserves some more Who Time.

A lot of the time, I find myself sympathising with Maron's point of view, in relation to the type of comedians he has to deal with, but his Kumail hostility was above the call of duty.

Sincere thanks for commenting. I'm fucking awful at self-promotion, so sorry if it's all crass and bullshit. In the slightest of defenses, I tried to leave a big gap between plugs so as not to piss people off, but you're probably right that this isn't the best way to build up good faith. It doesn't help that I can't

Alright, you lot? I wanted to first of all thank everyone who took the time to
listen to our show after I plugged it here a couple of weeks ago. You
lot pushed us into our highest ratings yet and we got some really kind
feedback, which we appreciate, and promise to respond to all of.This
is the second to last time