thiazin red

We didn't want to get into it full time (and it does seem like it would be super time consuming) we just thought it would be fun to have a threesome and that places like that would be a good bet to find people. Our criteria were not clearly insane, not obviously fake, not 30 years older than us, since there would

My boyfriend and I tried using swinger websites for a while and anyone using the word "play" to mean sex immediately went into the absolutely not pile. The juvenile overly cutesy-ness and of it was so gross. No matter how good looking it would make that person instantly unfuckable.

I'm curious why everyone always refers to BMO as he, since BMO has a very feminine woman's voice.

So now it looks like whoever sent Me-Mow after her was probably totally justified.

Because every single time I've ever seen it used, the phrase could be translated as "But I didn't do this and it doesn't affect me, so shut up about it". Its said to try to stop the discussion, or demand praise for acting like a decent human. It demands that the conversation stop being about women's experiences and

They might stop talking to you after that. They might start yelling about what a fat ugly stuck up bitch you are. They might say that they weren't hitting on you, you crazy (fat ugly etc) bitch, and call you delusional.

Its like the ones who complain that women are all gold diggers looking to steal their money, but also think women shouldn't be in paid employment.

Especially Sahr Ngaujah's character. He's resourceful, and quick to adapt to the situation. My boyfriend and I have a running list of what movie characters we would choose for an all star end of the world survival team and hes on it. Plus "Do you have the crazies in you head?" is a great line.

In grad school our phone number had previously been used by a church, and before that a guy who apparentlt had many debt collectors after him. I'm not sure when the church changed numbers but we would sometimes get several calls per day for Pastor Mayes. It did not matter how many times or how many people we told that

That first letter reminds me of a similar thing that happened to my boyfriend in college. His phone number was apparently really similar to that of a guy named James' crack dealer. So every so often he would get a call from James looking for crack.

What about almonds or dried cranberies?

It would be too much for me too. I did a lot of babysitting and why would anyone want to change diapers for fun? Just the smell of baby powder and wipes is enough to turn my stomach.

Considering how insanly piss covered the women's toilets are at work, that sounds about right.

I think the response to that was the only time I've ever seen the entire comments section agree on something,

Felt Slimer looks like hes from Lumpy space.

I find weddings boring and would never do a traditional wedding, planning a wedding sounds like Hell. However, I also find the show insanely watchable. If its on I will watch it (unless my boyfriend comes home and then I'll pretend I wasn't). I can't figure out what it is about it that does it.

Someone who refuses to watch a black and white or foreign film probably wouldn't last long. I agree about people who don't read. Also the people who proudly say they don't read fiction.
Anyone who pulls that crap where when something is relatively unknown they rave about it, but the second it becomes popular they hate

If Gavin disappears before sailing off, its possible that someone else took his place on the ship. If that person wasn't supposed to die then, that would potentially change a lot of things.

Me too, margherita with sausage from a place down the avenue. This show always makes me feel like I should put more effort into my presentation when I do cook.

The Worst!
Dealing with Insane Expired Coupon Man, Mr. Smell, Madame Fruit Smuggler, Rat-Faced Woman, or the Milk Sorters, (some of my names for especially memorable assholes) was preferable to having to fake smile at that for the 20th time in one shift.