Ha ha, I love how this comment makes no sense now that the ones above it disappeared. What happened to the conversation thread?
Ha ha, I love how this comment makes no sense now that the ones above it disappeared. What happened to the conversation thread?
It seems like when given the possibility of stability Dean might actually be more comfortable with it than Sam. Maybe it is because he had those few pre-hunting years.
I thought it was almost funny in the begnining of the episode the lengths the writers have to go to to make sure no two recurring characters are allowed to meet.
Charle is coming so we have to contrive a reason to get rid of Kevin. They could have just had the same falafel dialog but with him in his room rather than…
Mombi would be such a great fit for the Supernatural universe.
I'm not sure how the time frame works. Wizard was published in 1900, and the dialog seems to indicate it was a while after Dorothy came back.
Librarians have Giles, so its not all bad.
Charlie being a fan of Cloud Atlas makes sense. This episode sort of makes me want to see the further adventures of Charlie and Dorothy.
I've done a couple 24 hour ones in a theater. This particular theater sold beer, had tables in front of the seats and you could order pizza from the place next door though. Much more enjoyable than being in a regular cramped theater.
The football interview reminded me quite a bit of the old Monty Python sketch where the interviewer keeps asking the footballer detailed questions and all the footballer can say is "Kicked the ball, went in the net".
The one we used in grad school to remember the cranial nerves for neuroanatomy was : Oh Oh Oh, To Touch And Feel A Girl's Vagina Such Heaven.
There was a slightly different version if the professor used vestibulocochlear instead of acoustic, or accessory rather than spinal-accessory.
My boss is from Iceland and they have really awsome Christmas stories there. One of the best is about a family of trolls who own a giant black cat called Yule Cat.
The trolls go out on the days before Christmas and do gross annoying things like lick all the spoons in your house while you sleep, steal all your yoghurt,…
Except that women are naturally inferior, can't do real magic, and are all stupid, evil or both.
I would never have guessed a woman wrote it if I hadn't known.
Obviously I was an odd child in that I found Baghera to be the most sympathetic character in the movie. He gets given a job, take the kid safely to the village. Any delays put both the kid and animals at risk from the tiger. He tries to get it done without fucking around and is being constantly thwarted by Mowgli's…
In Drood Dickens and Collins write a play about the Terror expedition.
My crappy small town was excellent for trick or treating too. It was pretty rural outside of the main village area, so no street lights, but also no real traffic at night. Around my grandmother's house the buildings were all concentrated into a couple cul du sacs, which made it pretty convenient. People got really…
Kevin's dad is somewhat at fault for never ever taking his wife's concerns seriously (at least in the movie, haven't read the book).
I think the justification in Ohio was for safety, which is equally hysterical since no child has ever been killed by stranger tampering with trick or treat candy. The only death I've ever seen that was actually confirmed was a boy being killed by his father, who tried to make it look like candy tampering.
I was really shocked when I went to grad school in Ohio and found out that it was actually illegal to trick or treat properly. Kids had to go to some kind of city organized event, that was not held on Halloween, and it was during the afternoon.
The afternoon for fucks sake! How is that fun?
That was my feeling too. There wasn't any ambiguity to me at all. Kevin is flat out evil right from the start, capable of manipulating people and undermining his mother as an infant.
My mother was the one to give the period talk, but my father had no problem with going to the store to buy period stuff and wasn't weird about it.
My parents had a really relaxed attitude about puberty stuff in general. Our entire sex talk was "Sex is a totally normal healthy thing to do, as long as you are ok with…