Between this and Vampire Diaries CW gets away with an amazing amount of gore.
Between this and Vampire Diaries CW gets away with an amazing amount of gore.
Between this and Vampire Diaries CW gets away with an amazing amount of gore.
Maybe he tried selling his soul to Mark Sheppard for a bigger dick, but Mark Sheppard cheated him somehow?
Maybe he tried selling his soul to Mark Sheppard for a bigger dick, but Mark Sheppard cheated him somehow?
That would be great, she'd have a tidy little office with a monster database and a receptionist to answer the "FBI" etc phones. I really really hope we get an episode with her and Kevin living with Garth. That has unlimited comic potential.
That would be great, she'd have a tidy little office with a monster database and a receptionist to answer the "FBI" etc phones. I really really hope we get an episode with her and Kevin living with Garth. That has unlimited comic potential.
It would make it a lot easier to get through torture if you knew for a fact that Heaven exists, and unless you sell your soul or do something really evil you're going there.
It would make it a lot easier to get through torture if you knew for a fact that Heaven exists, and unless you sell your soul or do something really evil you're going there.
Didn't he leave them at one point for a while? I seem to remember an episode hinting that he and Mary had quite af few problems relationship wise.
Didn't he leave them at one point for a while? I seem to remember an episode hinting that he and Mary had quite af few problems relationship wise.
Wait, that was sitting there for 10 hours without someone replying "I'd tap that". AV club commenters, I'm ashamed of you!
Wait, that was sitting there for 10 hours without someone replying "I'd tap that". AV club commenters, I'm ashamed of you!
Speaking of Garth, I can so picture him trying to be a mentor to Kevin. Garth really wants to be the new Bobby so Kevin will have to fill the Sam/Dean role.
Speaking of Garth, I can so picture him trying to be a mentor to Kevin. Garth really wants to be the new Bobby so Kevin will have to fill the Sam/Dean role.
I guess the fact that they never really knew her, and spent the vast majority of their lives on a quest to avenge her death, warps their perspective.
I guess the fact that they never really knew her, and spent the vast majority of their lives on a quest to avenge her death, warps their perspective.
They could have so easily made Kenvin's mom a total stereotype, so I'm really pleased with how awesome she turned out. Shes tough, but not in a cartoonish way, and is smart enough to try to adapt her skills to the new situation. Plus, shes an older woman on a show where the female guest characters are usually 20…
They could have so easily made Kenvin's mom a total stereotype, so I'm really pleased with how awesome she turned out. Shes tough, but not in a cartoonish way, and is smart enough to try to adapt her skills to the new situation. Plus, shes an older woman on a show where the female guest characters are usually 20…
Supernatural, Medium, Battlestar, Firefly, Dr Who, Dollhouse, Warehouse 13, Bionic Woman, Chuck
Supernatural, Medium, Battlestar, Firefly, Dr Who, Dollhouse, Warehouse 13, Bionic Woman, Chuck