Plus there's Fabio's sugar daddy, sorry "best friend's father", who lets him stay in his massive appartment.
Plus there's Fabio's sugar daddy, sorry "best friend's father", who lets him stay in his massive appartment.
Plus there's Fabio's sugar daddy, sorry "best friend's father", who lets him stay in his massive appartment.
First, Fabio calling his collection Cosmic Tribalism struck me as the epitome of twatty douchebag prententiousness. The outfits themselves looked much better than the mini collection he showed, and better compared to the still photos I saw before. He dos have a strong point of view and I can understand the judges…
First, Fabio calling his collection Cosmic Tribalism struck me as the epitome of twatty douchebag prententiousness. The outfits themselves looked much better than the mini collection he showed, and better compared to the still photos I saw before. He dos have a strong point of view and I can understand the judges…
I nearly clapped when he called Mellssa prententious for calling red blood orange.
I nearly clapped when he called Mellssa prententious for calling red blood orange.
I agree, if he'd gone further with the effect it really would have helped. The way it is now the effect is so minimal it almost looks like a mistake.
I agree, if he'd gone further with the effect it really would have helped. The way it is now the effect is so minimal it almost looks like a mistake.
Plus 5 weeks is just not enough time to get the detailed ambitious outfits from the earlier seasons.
Plus 5 weeks is just not enough time to get the detailed ambitious outfits from the earlier seasons.
Still no where near as slutty and the see through silk chiffon "shirt" that had no back. That was pretty damn slutty.
Still no where near as slutty and the see through silk chiffon "shirt" that had no back. That was pretty damn slutty.
I heartliy agree Boner Time.
I heartliy agree Boner Time.
Like a Superhero!
"I didn't get his name but he gave that woman the smokiest eyes I've ever seen, thank you HMG"
Like a Superhero!
"I didn't get his name but he gave that woman the smokiest eyes I've ever seen, thank you HMG"
I guess I never noticed them till last night. If I were super rich I would hire HMG to do my makeup/stand around for me to perv over. He would wear the glasses.
I guess I never noticed them till last night. If I were super rich I would hire HMG to do my makeup/stand around for me to perv over. He would wear the glasses.
As is often the case with Project Runway I'm forced to concede I just don't understand fashion. I look at Fabio's pink dress and I see a very poorly sewn ugly shapeless lump of a very Pepto-Bismoly color that looks like something day care students would make from cut up t shirts. Or a hobo, I could aslo see a hobo in…
As is often the case with Project Runway I'm forced to concede I just don't understand fashion. I look at Fabio's pink dress and I see a very poorly sewn ugly shapeless lump of a very Pepto-Bismoly color that looks like something day care students would make from cut up t shirts. Or a hobo, I could aslo see a hobo in…