Booyakasha Booyakasha

If you think those phones got it bad, you should see his ex-wife.

That's why I don't read the articles about these things. "What's notable about this is how shitty it is."

Nor more buried in the mix.

I just watched The Lost Boys for the first time yesterday, and, like, yikes. There are occasional faint glimmers of a great movie shining through the awfulness, but boy oh lost boy is there a ton of awfulness.

And the highest.

Should change it to Luke Skyyvodka. Nothing wrong with that!

I just noticed the McDonald's down the street no longer has any signage that says "McDonald's" on it. Just the golden arches and the red space underneath where the name would be.

Dude. Use a double-boiler.

Made-up words like "made-up"? Just say invented, you fool!

Also the most anorexia-encouraging.

Jackyl = No actual jackals.
Ratt = No actual rats.
Def Leppard = No actual deaf leopards.
Krokus = No actual crocuses.

You mean a third of New Edition.

Who said "savant"?

Just close one eye, dummy.

A little gallows humour never hurt anyone.

To be fair, the alien in Alien has a penis for a head, as do the aliens in Aliens.

"Brock meets a new potential love interest in Warriana. Her lasso of truth forces him to admit some things."

Most other shows don't use the name of the family as a title; there's no reason this one had to, particularly as the title was already used by an incredibly historically important, groundbreaking series: The Goldbergs was one of the first TV sitcoms ever when it premiered in 1949 (and that's after 20 years on the

At least until they give him the Zack.

It's Springfield. That bridge wasn't double-bolted.