A.C. Club


I never see enough love for the movie Clue. It's an exceptionally funny and it's puns, one-liners and quotes have stuck with me for years.

Yeah, I know no one really wants to say they're anti-corporate anymore, because there are some corporations out there that we like (e.g. Apple) and saying we don't like big corp is inviting someone to point out "oh yeah?  look at your iPod, look at your Kashi bar, look at your Honda Civic" and then we have to roll our

Also, Errol Morris did so much for documentary film making that we'll soon lose the "errol morris-like" descriptor and just say "in typical documentary form".

Ugh, more cute animation sequences in anti-corporate documentaries?  I wish there was an easier way to provide a visualization for a process/chronology/concept.  It's a guarantee every expose-style documentary has one or more of these.

Thank God I wasn't in college when this song came out.

Yeah, I know Rob Lowe was supposed to look attractive in that scene, but he just…didn't.

Can he run with this on some sort of "intellectual property" ground?

Wow, you've all actually made me realize what it is that makes me disagree with you on this point:  I don't feel like I'm supposed to think she's sexy.  She's an actress for women, not men.  I don't really feel like she ever plays bombshell-y roles.  She plays rich-bitch-women's-fantasy roles. 

He really should stick to cleaning up oil spills at this point.

It took the DEA a whole year to figure this out?

I understand SJP isn't the hottest woman in the world, but I just don't think she's that bad (again, L.A. Story was like, my favorite movie growing up, so I've had a soft spot for the girl).  I mean, there ARE uglier women in hollywood who we don't bother to denigrate so much.  For example, it seems this comment crowd

Mary Reilly
Does anyone remember that movie with Julia Roberts and John Malkovitch? Sorta great, sorta horrible movie? At least it was a unique take on the story.

WAAAAALT! I want. My. Son. Back!

You ain't just whistlin' Dixie.

Hey now, when Tom Hanks has to deliver that letter to one of the women, and all the women are thinking it's their husband, and he hands it to the brunette and she starts crying "George, George". I'm actually tearing up just thinking about it.

I feel like I'm the only one who lost it during Atonement. I mean, both the lovers dying, away from each other, one fucking drowns in a subway, and then that girl has to live with it for the rest of her life? I mean, that was engineered to make you sob.
My boyfriend lost it at the end of Never Let Me Go. Maybe its

Yeah, I cried pretty much all the way through Tree of Life too. From the moment Malick went back to the beginning of time, all the way through the end. Fucking sobbing. I knew I'd get choked up at some point, but something about the content+music+it's-fucking-malick got to me.

Ya'll are insane. Lori Singer was hot. This Hough chick is a little too hot. That's fine in my porn, but in my regurgitated broadway-to-film 80's remakes I prefer a dash of realism.

The Ni**er Family. or The Reparations skit.