If you were born on Mars, wouldn't that make it your homeworld, even if your species was from Earth?
If you were born on Mars, wouldn't that make it your homeworld, even if your species was from Earth?
He looks like James May in photo zero.
I love that miniseries. Still have the VHS recording I made of it somewhere. Love those old commercials.
Cool. I haven't seen any of these. I already love old movies, but I will see these soon. Thanks!
What are your other go tos?
Larry David's genitalia enjoying the comfort of women's underwear?
I think it's Idiot Wind that does that.
I'm not sure why you felt like you had to tear apart @dispozblcopy's harmless if overly affectionate post, but it just makes you seem like an ass.
Wasn't it, "I don't dislike him. I just don't like him?" Far be it for me to question the Dowager Countess, of course.
I actually really like the idea of a weirdo hillbilly farmer comedy. It could work!
@avclub-796eb50a93f0f090063f36d64268dd97:disqus That was mirror-Tuvok (no goatee). A pretty graceful cross over, I thought.
What?! …no!
How do you know that they're each going to be 3 hours long?
Yeah, this stuff too. I figure that's what the shots of Gandalf walking through ruins are all about.
I think they're also going to include stuff from the appendices and The Silmarillion to stretch it out.
Deep Space Nine suplot? Is there anything else you can share about that?
Exactly. This could have been the "what the big E did during the war" movie that we'll never get.
I like the part where they sing.
Have you played Portal? I think Bioshock tells a good story, but Portal does it better.
I will support you in your hatred of Apples to Apples. You are not alone.