YOU MUST CHOOSE! My friends and I still use this one all the time. I'd like to note that my pic fits really well here.
YOU MUST CHOOSE! My friends and I still use this one all the time. I'd like to note that my pic fits really well here.
Don't feel bad, Pelt. You didn't do it first, but you did it better.
Fingers crossed for an NEDM movie…
Please take your blogspam somewhere else.
Where do you stand on Where the Wild Things Are?
Ok. That's what I was thinking.
I think Tim and Barbara have alternate-universe non-speaking cameos in the episode where Vandal Savage is playing with WW2.
I just looked up the show on the Wikipedia and I need further explanation. I get that it is basically the Brady Bunch with one half of the family from outer space, but why does the mom look like a human while her kids are horrible abominations?
You could watch Goldeneye. He's in that movie.
What I've heard was that he wanted to write Speaker first, but had to write Ender's Game as backstory.
I think Poop's mom is talking about A Christmas Story.
This game is awesome, but good luck keeping track of all of the pieces, especially if you're me when I was 10.
I hate to break it to you: this is a movie.
He could have sent an egg into the future!
Not to mention numerous bug fixes.
@avclub-6add07cf50424b14fdf649da87843d01:disqus Well, kids are idiots.
I loved that one. Lil' Batman and baby Etrian were awesome. It's a nice, light episode.
How about Cowboys of Moo Mesa? There was a train level, I think.
Of course I do. I couldn't help it, the appearance just made me hate Chris Martin.
Ehh, that's a great episode, but the guy that plays old Jake (Tony Todd?) does most of the heavy lifting.