
That's a good picture, alright.

That was pre-TNG.

So basically, he winters there in order to maintain dual acting citizenship? That's great.

I like it from the cast alone. Is it worth checking out?

It's really easy to notice when you look at him in something like The Dead (which made for a really great surprise in Brit Lit II, "Hey! It's the Chief!") or his first non-speaking appearance as "guy in the background on the battle bridge" in the first episode of TNG and compare it to something more recent, like Layer

He must be one of those guys that can't stop working. I would think that the Star Trek actors would be able to live pretty comfortably off of their residuals and such, but he just keeps taking these small parts all over the place. 

He may not be as accomplished as Stewart, but he's got to be the most prolific Star Trek actor. Look at his IMDB page. He's got like seven 2011 credits alone.

I'm glad he stuck around. The "O'Brian must suffer" episodes are pretty great.

And they're moving towards what exactly?

He does have a large head.

My favorite Irish actor. Thanks for the interview. Haven't even read it yet. Long live the Chief!

Also, each actor's name has their representative animal next to it (wolf, dragon, lion, stag, etc.).

Is Cho on leave from his real life job as starship navigator?

We could send an egg into the future!

@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus Don't forget that Indy could've stayed in bed through Raiders and things would have ended up the same.

That appearance actually destroyed most of the positive feelings I had about the band. 

Frank Darabont didn't happen to write that script, did he?

Look Douchechill, obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but there should be no denying that Battlestar Galactica is just about the nerdiest name imaginable. This coming from a guy with a DS9 avatar that (mostly) loved BSG.

I think it's because the name is really really horrible. Seriously, try saying it in front of a girl. You'll gag a little. 

Who's a good dog!? Who's a good dog!? You're a good dog!!