Will this one also feature a camera control scheme that makes the game virtually unplayable?
Why would you want to look at anything else?
Is Ben Stiller playing the Menendez Bros?
Nioh actually runs very well on the base PS4 hardware, it even gives you the option of higher res lower FPS or lower res higher FPS before you start playing. And you really do want to play it, its amazing.
Pfft, it was actually Kos giving a natural birth.
KotOR 1+2? Hopefully without the stuttering dialogue like the 360 BC caused too.
They should have went for Tatiana Maslany instead.
Are they doing TPB's for this series?
Don't put Spock in it. Sure it'd be a nice gesture but totally out of place.
We have no cubes left, would a Rubik's Snake suffice instead?
Wait, RealPlayer was actually a real thing?
Yeah i had a red one for what i believe were the pilot episodes of The Transformers cartoon away back in the early 80's.
That would have been some well in advance planning seeing as how there was about 10-15 years in between those events.
Yeah i remember when Frost took over his body and done things with his powers he's never managed to replicate. I thought then they were gonna amp him up a bit but they just kinda dragged their heels and turned him back into the same Iceman.
The density of it to begin with!
They wear balaclavas, not hats!
Remember Beta-Max tapes?
Still looks more like Inverted Papa Lazarou to me.