What is with the artwork on that Iceman comic? The insides are totally erratic with Bobby looking different in nearly every single panel.
What is with the artwork on that Iceman comic? The insides are totally erratic with Bobby looking different in nearly every single panel.
Special Guest Star: Tatiana Maslany.
I'm pretty sure some of the Zero Missions are optional.
Wipeout, Wipeout and probably more Wipeout. Its like an old family friend who you haven't seen in ages coming around and all the good times come flooding back. I'd almost forgot just how fast Zone mode can get.
Couldn't find any tentacle porn? What a load of pish, you're never more than 4 clicks away from tentacle porn.
Do you need a wet-wipe?
How much decomposition has set in? And are the joints still reasonably supple?
All i got were cans of XXXX.
Fnarr fnarr?
I know he's had his troubles with the po-po but calling OJ. Simpson Blackie Lawless is a bit far is it not?
Not a single mention of Killjoys?
Why does Arnold Vosloo look so damn orange in that video caption?
nothing at all!
Would a video of George Takei's Akira laughing with an Ah-Ha-Ha suffice?
No they wouldn't have as they would have just decided to slaughter them instead.
Using this as a way to dig into his brother was an absolute joke and shows just how stupid Liam really is.
Hasn't this already been done? Mexican death festival in CGI animated form?
I would love to see a version of the whole series without 3PO in it, R2-D2 does everything by himself and we don't get the effeminate robot butler acting like he's important in any way.
The seismic charges from episode 2 are possibly one of the best sounding weapons from anything ever created. The only thing even close is the Thermal Imploder from Battlefront.