The Mighty Manotaur

Will we be able to buy Death Sticks from Elan Sleazebaggano?

Aubrey Plaza and Kate Miccuci you say? Sold!

And yet Uncharted 4 was better reviewed and more lauded than Roaches. Sometimes i just don't understand the gaming media.


Its always the alcohols fault, you spinach apologists crack me up!

Is this the one who's boob will inevitably fall out during the course of the evening but will scream and throw things at you for noticing it before eventually breaking down and crying about how "she doesn't know what's wrong with her"?

Is that some sort of little person who's holding the pad?

Did they have to be recast in the same time period though? If so then wouldn't Roseanne be probably already have been working on Jedi around that time period?

Why don't they have Moriarty break out of prison, kidnap Joan and then have them having adventures for a few seasons whilst the Sherlock character is slowly phased out. It was by far the best pairing and chemistry two characters on this show have ever had.

A song about a Kuru sufferer?

"The story behind Private Eyes will shock you"


And i thought they smelt bad…………………………………… on the outside!

British Royalty should only be allowed to portray Empire/First Order characters.

Lupin's you say?

Scott ran off with Nega-Scott and they're now in an semi-incestuous ersatz homosexual relationship.

Dolly Grip or GTFO!!!

Those were Pre-Credits scenes and there were a damn sight more than 5!!

Lovely Kraaab! Wonderful Kraaab!

"Mark Hamill had this awful bowl haircut, gross mustache and a bad southern accent in it."