The Mighty Manotaur

Easier doesn't necessarily mean better!

"Its kinda like Spam"

Boyz N the Hood.

Rosie O'Donnell or Melissa McCarthy as the Baron?

And thats why you should always go incognito.

…comes in view?


Just as i'm about to tuck into lunch as well.

No… i can't in all honestly say there are any good parts of that film, its all bad. From Schneider to the Angel gang, nobody comes out good.

As soon as he took the helmet off you knew it wasn't a Judge Dredd film, and then he "gets the girl" and ruined it even further.

All you had to do was mention the huge chunk of lettuce stem they give away in every single burger. Honestly nothing is worse than having to chuck out every single bit of lettuce they give out because its just this long thick bit of stem with some leaf on the side.

No. Just No.

I saw this the same way, the ending created for the film was much better than the whole alien squid ending. In already setting up a fall for Dr. Manhattan having him then become the villain made much more sense than getting rid of the guy only to then invoke a fake alien invasion to unite when you've just gotten rid

I know, i should really just go hide in a cave somewhere.

That picture in the middle of the article must be the most unappetising plate of Mac n Cheese i've ever saw. It just looks dull and boring compared to the dish at the top of the page.

For me that was The Lord of the Rings: The Twin Towers. I managed an hours kip at least during that movie.

I loved The Mask when i first saw it but as it may well have been my first or second Carey movie i hadn't been exposed to much of his style of humour. It doesn't hold up so well on later viewings though.

re "Fuck you, Barbara Streisand"
Just in general.

For me its a toss up between Police Academy 6: City Under Siege which my Grandfather took me to see when i was about 13, that's how bad the film was that it wasn't in the slightest funny to a 13 year old, or Stallone's Judge Dredd abortion.

They even got him to do the Rock Bottom in the show.