The Mighty Manotaur

He can do a shit hot Jackie though!

Quick someone get the CEO of The Asylum Pictures on the blower, i've got a million dollar idea to sell him.

Looks more like Linguo.

Ok may i suggest Ming Na Wen, Sharon Stone and Heather Locklear.

Channelling Roberta Muldoon!

Lisa needs mouthwash.

How squanchy of them!!

Junky Twang.

His replacement certainly never.

I would think Malkovich would be the hardest to learn as everything has to be conveyed through expression and emotion.

If only he would go and fight in the Great Spice Wars.

Is the President allowed to self advertise whilst in power? Surely this is an abuse of that power?


No thats a shot from an old Burnout game……. wait a minute.

Proof or i'm assuming you searched the guy out for the opportunity.


I don't recall the original intro yet seem to have the 90's remake with Todd from Neighbours and a young Naomie Harris seared into my brain.

They weren't pure Germans though. They were dragging the rest of the nationality down to the level of everyone else in the world.

You think we're made of money? Generic Wheat Biscuits and tap water!!

He never once had a late library fee nor did he ever kick a puppy. The genocide really didn't do him a lot of favours though.