The Mighty Manotaur

Both of them were Dick's!!

Because Superman's costume had to be darker!!

His Zord's colour scheme is in perfect order.

You're thinking of The New Dehli Power Rangers.

That's impossible!!

Was that the one with "The Dawson" in it?

He also wrote a theme song for a sunflower oil spread that really helps keep down the cholesterol.

With Chris Hansen doing interviews on the train ride there?

Yep i thoroughly enjoyed it too, sure it had its issues but they paled in comparison to what it did right.

Never ever saw this but Elizabeth Montgomery was possibly one of the most beautiful women on Tv in her day and in mines.

Aww and that was a loverly white bit of shag too. No amount of seltzer's ever gonna get that out.

Because anyone old enough to remember a young slick Elvis has become fat and gaudy?

So they didn't pull a train on Estelle Getty?

Unleash the bloodshed!!

How do i teeeaach these Alife Allens?

You'd need an industrial jet cleaner to wash that off.

Are you smoking yet?

Imagine the pebbledash these things give you.

you fussy bugger!!

Those donuts look lush but the Rainbow Bagel looks like plasticine. The thing in a jar looks like a coiled turd in a jar with glitter on top.