The Mighty Manotaur

The Pro beats all!!

That Flash suit is just terrible. They've tried to make it a bit better but its still looks like a Power Ranger suit.

Oh yeah, i remember intending on staying on for another year until a teacher decided to speak to me like a child because i had forgotten my own calculator and had to try and argue the fact to the teacher that i should be able to use one of the schools ones as thats what their were there for. After being taken out of

Wait a minute, so he's not some wrathful omnipotent being who shoots fire out of his arse and breaths toxic gas?

Good god you don't ask much do you. Anyhoo,

No that's Boxer's.


I read that as "push sex toys in seniors for season 3" and was wondering just what the hell was happening.

Todd Rivers in a wig!!

Lets Go to Prison was a good laugh so i'll hold out hope this is worth a watch at some point, maybe just not enough to go out and pay for.

Making money!!

You could apply that to the majority of late 70's early 80's tv.

She's working with Jon Lajoie?

I can imagine Boff Moffna being a secret lovechild of Mon Mothma and carrying on her secret legacy of Bothan murdering.

That one made me laugh a wee bit though due to its similarities to Dexter Fletcher.

Meh, we don't even need Shelley Long any more when we have the much younger Wendi McLendon-Covey.

Good god i cringe nearly every time i hear that name. That alone is probably worse than Jar-Jar in that whole film.

And hopefully by the third they're straight to Nickleodeon or whatever other kids tv will have them.

Yeah but its just never really been discussed. Is there a reason for him being like this? Is he just another figment of SK or David's mind? The fact he's seen in the pilot before we've ventured into David's mind throws that off a bit.

Has nobody else noticed during the Cloclworks scenes from the beginning of the series and the ones recently there is a guy hiding in a tree all done up in camouflage?