The Mighty Manotaur

So why have Starships at all when Into Darkness gave us interplanetary teleportation?

His cousin Shereen is a newsreader in Scotland.

One of my work mates watches it and all its spin-offs and associated shows. But then again he also downloaded an episode of Murder She Wrote that he'd seen half off and wanted to see the end.

So you've given Fonda a golden shower, just like the majority of casting agents from the 60's.

"From there, everything is an adventure, even when it’s something as degrading and disgusting as the “Worst Toilet In Scotland” scene. Simply put, it acknowledges that people do drugs because they’re fun."

Old job internet!!

If only there was also a tracker for when it'd arrive in your toilet.

He choked on a small Buzz Lightyear detachable missile?

Except in this one they've killed Emelio Estevez offscreen?

I heard there's a secret cut where the dog did it!!

It fucking sucked the big one round our way for a few years, still never been back to see if its improved. Never spending money on Tomato and Pepperoni soup in a flat bread bowl with balled up greasy cheese bits ever again.

Why did i think this was about the assassin from ME?

Ahh so this'll be why Duck Tales and Epic Mickey were taken off the store a while back.

Wow, Eric Roberts will be laminating this and proudly displaying it up on the mantle to show people that someone was actually rated worse than himself in a role.

How can you like Baker but not Capaldi?

Can you say "long lost triplets"?

Its like he should be in an 80's New Order music video.

Surely "Martine McCutcheon opens mouth and speaks" should be in the Tier Ten category?

How sexist can they be? Plenty of men make a living on their knees and would be totally up for these. Maybe a small outlet down the docks would show them a good return.

That was a right of passage i'll have you know. We Baker-ites had been indoctrinated decades before you Nu-Who-vians (Whovian is gonna kill me for that) had even heard of a Gallifreyan Matrix Data Slice.