The Mighty Manotaur

An anime about body swapping that doesn't go down the pervy route these anime usually take?

Pfft you Nu-Who boys crack me up. Tom Baker or GTFO!!!!!

Nice!! I'll keep an eye out for the TPB later on in the year.

"We've had a report he recently travelled to Ethiopia but hasn't returned to the United States yet? Could you please confirm his current status?"

What about the fact he keeps getting young wards around the time a new Robin appears? How come nobody ever picks up on that, or the fact he keeps getting new wards. Has Bruce Wayne even ever been visited by child services?

You're awful!!

We in the UK wouldn't be able to answer this question as our current leader was not elected.

Personally i always think of Stay Tuned.

Hasn't Ioan Grifford, or whatever the Mr Fantastic from those two F4 was called, already starred in this?

You'd be lucky to get halfway down that list before passing out.

They truly believed "any exposure is good exposure".

So is Lost Light a continuation of MTMTE? It stopped at TPB 10 on the Necrobots world.

Yeah but she soaked her skin in DAZ so i ain't believing anything that comes out her mouth.

Wouldn't be Charmander as he could cook the rest for him. Though Brock looks like he has a bit of meat on his bones.

Yeah the Scavengers have been a good addition. With them still having Grimlock they should be around a good while.

Unhinged Lithgow is the best Lithgow.

That and Nokia-bot. Gotta love that Japanese design!!

Was Kellyanne watching an old episode of Transformers which featured a trio that combined into a camera whilst she was microwaving some popcorn and got mildly confused?

More Than Meets The Eye has been excellent along with Dark Cybertron. Really gonna miss the DJD too.

Is that why Chewie doesn't get one? (in both meanings of the word.)