The Mighty Manotaur

£20 on Xbox Live or PSN for the "Ultimate" version of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 which runs 60fps at 1080p and is silky smooth with all the added gubbin's.

Yeah but his windshield wipers were a force for good, they mixed them up during constuction and KARR's were fitted to K.I.T.T.'s by mistake.

The Mayors plan was laid out pretty early, achieve immortality. That was it.

It was an interesting design until they ruined it by making him have a disc drive in his chest.

So following in the footsteps of previous Guerilla Games titles then? The Killzone games story was almost non existent and some of the dialogue was dreadful even though they had people like Ray Winstone, Brian Cox and Malcolm McDowell on board.

I will do if i splurge before i have the space for it.

Nioh will be my main jam this weekend, the other being Ghost Recon with friends. I've kinda tired myself out on Dark Souls 2 at the moment so i'm gonna take a wee break before tackling the end game.

Buffington-Smythe! She's Sinjin's illegitimate daughter.

Such a promising cast but such dreadful writing really destroyed that show, same goes for Merlin, Atlantis and all the other shows that have been tried in the UK recently. They try for the scope of an American show yet fall well short.

The writing for the character kinda sucked too near the end, its as if Joss knew the fans weren't taking to him and ran with that making the character a bit of sap by the end.

I can't see any tab but i'm running Vista and Chrome hasn't been updated in a while on it. I'm sure i'll see it on my home system which is running W10.

Seth Green much? Guy's been in movies, video games, cartoons, co-created Robot Chicken and is also a comic book writer.

I don't even think he's been mentioned this week at all, seems to be that seasonal BF we'd all rather forget.

Needs more Song.

There’s plenty to chew on in the audacious cannibal drama Raw. And then the murders begin.

Haven't seen Dog Soldiers in a long time, pity i do not have Chiller channel.


Same here, i'm currently trying to finish Dark Souls 2, Watch Dogs 2 and have just started Nioh. I'll be holding off on this until at least one of those other titles is finished, probably DS2, before i even consider getting game.

Probably not but War and Peace would fuck it up bad.

You give me 6 to test out and i assure you i'll break at least one.