The Mighty Manotaur

He should use that in the Mobile Strike adverts.

Who runs HBO town?

Sounds like this should be a reboot of Maid Marian and her Merry Men instead.

Or his son.

"It was the vampire Angelus who begat the vampire Drusilla, whom he dubbed his “masterpiece” on account of just how much he’d make her suffer. And Drusilla begat the vampire William, a poet who would later assume the mantle of Spike. Along with their grandsire Darla"

D'you want it pasturiezed?

Of course they will, they need to all be kept aesthetically dank and miserable, just like Superman's personality.

Suicide Squad wasn't Zack Snyder but still trash!

Lex isn't odd, he just isn't Lex!

I'm just waiting on somebody turning the Grand Theft Anal series into a rip roaring drama series, with sexy results.

Jesus, that chin!!

Are we sure that DeathStroke will be the villain in the standalone Batman movie and its not just that they're transitioning Bruce Wayne from Batman to DeathStroke? From his gun use in BvS it wouldn't be much of a stretch for him to turn around to the camera in full Slade get up claiming the death of Batman.

Fingerbanging takes on new levels of safety!!

How come nobody ever turns hardcore porn into anything?

You could tell when the Macho Man really was randy, with savage results?

Orbital fans hoping that Satan is still the opening music track?

I have the first 6 episodes on VHS. Official ones too, not just recorded off the tv.

But why were they all nude?

As long as he doesn't Wang Chung tonight,

No, that was Speedy Gonzales!