The Mighty Manotaur

Will Smith raps?

This maybe a good move for Smith, it might actually get him away from directors who think he's the modern day equivalent of Arnie or Stallone.

Queen? How dare you! The woman is an absolute Goddess.

I currently phoning the local cinema to book my tickets!!

We'll take the telepath's and the pyro's, but we're not taking the Irish!!

Do you mean Seth MacFarlane?

We all were, the world needs more Lovecraft stories.

Has Robert Downey Jr made his stance on these issues clear?

He's also passed that on in his genes as young Griff attempts to come at Marty with a baseball bat whilst being rocket propelled on his Pit Bull board.

They also had a Red Arrow.

A piece of the original Death Star? Like a corner, laser dish or just a support piece?

A few songs from Kid A for me as i kinda stopped listening after Amnesiac.

Loved Julie since i first saw her in Buffy all those years ago.

I dunno, i've never ever seen him play a mildly successful movie writer/producer/director.

And i do hope it stops at 'try' too.

Surely they just need to cover their junk?

Well at least he's smaller than Jackman.

But i'm talking 'bout Logan

Its like the world is ending but hey we've got to do this other mundane shit instead of running for our lives like we should do.

Surely Marylin Manson is the obvious choice?