The Mighty Manotaur

Well he is one hairy little Mother.

Remember when he was the front runner?

Wait what? Why would anyone put their face near enough to feces that they'd need a filter?

And what would happen if he ever had to face up to Adamantium Fist?

Good to see the Hand will feature in this too along with Madam Gao, it truly is a shared world.

Garth Ennis!! Though Moore did a arc as well.

Their power and influence must be on the wane as they are no longer keeping back the electric car.

Well I'm not a marriage counselor, but I do have this whip.

Coincidental then.

I do find it strange that The Almighty Johnsons was set in NZ and about the Norse gods and Chris was cast as one too. And both started up in 2011.

Don't you dare call me that!!

Sounds like he's a modern day Leslie Nielson.

The film would certainly be the worse without him. TBH its the lightsaber fight between him, Qui Gon and Obi Wan that's the best part of the movie so omitting Maul may well drop the movie into piece of shit territory if they didn't replace that fight with something of equal value.

Certainly not that horrible mute thing that they passed off as Bumblebee.

Don't worry Godzuki is proof that he eventually gets his end away.

He can convey more with those stubby arms and mighty roar than a million attempts of Shia La Beouf trying to win over Megan Fox or the English one.

Would ex-fiancé suffice?

Just think what they could do if they could get those Kaiju to find love too, think of those ratings!

Hey a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex is destroying downtown Manhattan but MY GIRLFRIEND WON'T FORGIVE FOR AN INDISCRETION AT THE START OF THE MOVIE!!!! Now lets go find her!

Good god why does every film nowadays have to have some sort of human family element in it? Godzilla, War of the Worlds, Transformers. Things you would only need the most basic human elements in like an opposing army or victims.