The Mighty Manotaur

"If you're not careful, you'll get us all whacked. Ha ha! Body in a woodchipper."

Hopefully a continuation of his Garland Greene character?

Should have given it to a white guy playing a white guy playing a black guy.

The third one used a Fergie cover of Hearts Barracuda too.

David Spade was never born, he just congealed in dark corner somewhere.

So who was playing Magneto, Wolverine and Charles Xavier in a power suit?

Pfft, in a world where some one has remade episodes of Police Squad! (in color) using the GTA5 engine all other things pale in significance, especially French stuff.

As he would have only been 28 at the time i say this is witchcraft that they managed to predict his future self on the cover.

Yet those games seem to still follow the trend of sequels having diminishing returns. Super Breakout has less games and allows less players than its previous version.

I can wait until season 4 when Tom decides "Hey lets go back to that French Mime Wells".

You missed out Tom Cavanagh playing Harry pretending to be Thawne.

Lemme guess "he got better"?

Stockholm Syndrome: The Movie!

They should just drop their coverage to episodes that feature Moriarty. That'd save some digital ink.

Might be better suited to the MCU and the Guardians, just always call him Corsair, never Mr. Summers.

Seeing as how both his kids got blown up in the XCU, though Scott may still be alive after the DoFP retcon, do we want another Summers on screen?

Unless its a porn trailer actually on a porn site. Surely those have decent clips?

But not certain Marvel ones.

The tough leather look doesn't suit her but the PVC catsuit look did.

No, my son is also named Jughead.