The Mighty Manotaur

It was a deliberate change so as nothing came from the M.Bison M.Tyson obvious comparisons.

I'm quite fond of the sequel, Goldenshower.

Or some dark version of Vincent Price's Egg Magic?

Yeah i usually enjoy her work. I'll check out Intervention when i can.

Maybe they could get Vincent Price and have him as some sort of egg themed villain.

I think Ass sucks soup would be more probable.

Depends on how chunky it is.

In exchange for two crates of what?

I got a few hours in and was bored by then, and i finished HR and its DLC and loved that. Something just wasn't right with MD.

After destroying Sinh the Slumbering Dragon and the Throne Watcher and Defender on Wed night i'll be continuing my journey through Dark Souls 2 dlc before taking on the Memories section of the game. In between that i should be having a blast on Rainbow Six Siege to try and earn enough to buy the new operators and a

Nope the most romantic story ever told is Urutsukidoji where the protagonist changes into a world destroying tentacled God of Destruction to prove his love to his high school crush and their unborn chójin by clearing the worlds of life so his child can start it again.

So a lesbian lovestory with a lack of lesbianism? Why do i feel if it were a male story we'd be getting near graphic depictions on screen?

Well it has been a few years since i last saw her in anything and then she was probably all glammed up. She looks almost like a normal human being here instead of the usual over shiney actress TV makes them look.

Needs more young Swoosie Kurtz.

And Emma Stone.

Oh yeah, forgot all about the Abomination and Zemo. Didn't Slattery get dragged off to meet the true Mandarin during one of the one shots?

Armand Assante!! If it worked for Judge Rico. (it didn't btw)

Wow, i had to do a double take there just to be sure that was Melanie Lynskey.

I dunno, the Optimax procedure in Dead Space 2 takes a lot to beat.

Why is there blood coming out of that head shaped potato?