The Mighty Manotaur

Justin Hammer might actually be the only surviving bad guy from the Marvel movies outside of Loki.

No idea. But it should have been done ages ago along with the ability to change our usernames.

It could have done with a completely different ending. Why they went for Old Man in Powered Suit for the Silver Samurai when they actually had the character of Kenuichio Harada in the movie i'll never know.

Still beats Thunderbird!!

And if you're feeling right handed?

Ahh the old Robocop cartoon that was about the same time as the Rambo one. I'm surprised they didn't go the whole hog and have a Terminator cartoon and an Aliens or Predator one too.

I tried to give her that good advice but she just wouldn't take it.

I'm doing the exact same but with Dark Souls 2 and the next DLC for 3. Plus I'm also waiting on the update to add external HDD's to the PS4 so i don't have to deleted shit first.

It was but then they painted it orange, put a wig on it and now it's president.

First 3 and Lies, after that nothing but pure shite.

Well there's your mistake, you should have taken her to see a shit film instead of one of the best ever made. I'm not surprised she didn't wanna take her eyes off the screen.

I mean, if I went around saying I was a Sith Lord just because some moistened bint had lobbed a laser sword at me, they'd put me away

But she was too damn old to begin the training. Plus since Luke was hardly a real jedi what could he have taught her? The disappearing penny trick?

Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays, you just stay away from that Pryor boy, he's bad news!

Quick someone apply bog-roll to a picture of Musk.

And milk his eel into the turtle soup.

You mean its not Wicket W. Warwick?

No its burger not bugger!

Obligatory Fuck You, I'm Eating comment.

no more?